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The Friendly Club!

The St George Chess Club prides itself on a diverse membership with a range of chess abilities. We foster a social atmosphere for players of all ages and abilities.

The club runs regular internal club competitions and participates in interclub tournaments. More information about the activities can be found from the calendar.

Club Games: 7:30pm Tuesday nights, Prince Edward Rooms, St George Leagues Club, 124 Princes Highway, Kogarah NSW

Round 3 outcomes now up on Results page!
Club Champs Round 2
A full house for Round 2!

Update: Charles’ Round 2 Newsletter can be downloaded here.

Round 2 outcomes, all pairings and playable versions of all the games are now on the Results page.

It was smooth sailing for the second week of the club champs, with a great turnout, and a rather earlier finish than the first night. Thanks to everyone who made copying the scoresheets a lot smoother this time! Charles has already put out his Round 1 Club Champs Newsletter and is busy on the second one. While we await his expert analysis of the Round 2 contests, I can mention two of the many games that caught my attention while converting the scoresheets to PGN format.  John Karabatsos made his knight really dance in his game versus Ghassan Beydoun. And Graham Saint’s maintained a wily defence against Andres Perez’s formidable endgame position.

2025 St George Club Championships welcomes 70 players
An epic battle! It was 11.20pm, and 30 moves in, but there would be another 90 minutes, and 53 more moves, before a draw was agreed. Jeremy Plunkett and Ian Stalker on Board 2.

Updates: Charles’ newsletter for Round 1  has been sent to all participants and can also be downloaded here. Playable versions of all but two Division 7 Round 1 games are now up on the Results page.

The 2025 Club Champs started last Tuesday, March 4, with seven divisions of ten players. A round-robin affair of nine rounds, each game provides the players with 90 minutes each, and 30 seconds increment per move. The results and all pairings can now be accessed on the Results page. Other tournament details can be found here.

As in most previous years, our Club Captain, Charles Zworestine, is writing up a newsletter for each round, with comments on each and every game! And we will also be publishing the details of each game, as we did for the first time in the 2023 Club Champs database. This requires us to take photos of both players’ scoresheets at the end of the game. Please do not leave without allowing myself (Geoff Hyde) or Charles to get these copies. If you routinely enter your moves into any chess engine after the game (highly recommended!), and can send Charles and myself a PGN version of your game, that would be much appreciated. When you enter your game using the Analysis option at Chess.com, for example, it automatically generates a PGN read-out of the game once you click on the Share button.  At Lichess, a PGN read-out appears automatically under the Analysis Board as you enter your moves. Please advise us on the night if you can share the PGN with us, and get the PGN to us by the Friday night after the game. Email: charles@ozemail.com.au and geoffjhyde@gmail.com.

A link to Charles’ newsletter, and the games, will be posted at the top of this article as soon as they are out.

Upcoming Events at St George & elsewhere
The UNSW Open Weekender debut event! March 21-23

The upsurge in the popularity of chess is being translated into lots of new offerings for NSW chess fans. Brendan Anderson, very well-known to many at St George, is now very active with the UNSW Chess Club and has initiated a 3-day event. It takes advantage of a week’s break in the UNSW student year, but will also appeal to those of us who can find ourselves free for the first day of the tournament, Friday March 21. The tournament is seven rounds of 60+30 classical chess, both ACF and FIDE-rated.

Full details here and register on this page.