2024 St George Internal Teams Individual

St George Leagues Club, Sydney (AUS)
11/06/2024 - 06/08/2024

Registered players sorted by rating and title

1 PPP Plant,John Stuart NSW216802168
2 HHH Plunkett,Jeremy NSW203502035
3 LLL Huynh,Arthur NSW202102021
4 EEE Eccles,Richard NSW193801938
5 AAA Reyes,Louie A NSW192901929
6 AAA Nguyen,Vu Ky Anh NSW192501925
7 CCC Rewais,Sarwat NSW190501905
8 ZZZ Zworestine,Charles NSW190301903
9 KKK Gunawan,Hadi NSW188201882
10 SSS Gerges,Fady NSW186201862
11 BBB Power,Ted NSW180801808
12 CCC Escribano,Jose NSW178901789
13 BBB Babic,Michael S NSW178501785
14 KKK Kordahi,Nicholas NSW177001770
15 AAA Munkhbat,Anand OS173801738
16 SSS Taylor,Stuart NSW172301723
17 ZZZ Bhatt,Netra Raj NSW165301653
18 EEE Lagarez,Christian NSW161501615
19 KKK Karnaout,Anthony NSW158401584
20 CCC Karabatsos,John NSW158201582
21 SSS Li,Ashton NSW156301563
22 AAA Beydoun,Ghassan NSW155401554
23 LLL Lendvai,Tibor NSW154601546
24 HHH Nichas,John NSW154601546
25 PPP Srinirasa,Ramu NSW154501545
26 AAA Bulgankhuu,Shinedorj OS152001520
27 HHH Buzgan,Sait NSW151301513
28 BBB Wolf,Ludwig NSW149801498
29 ZZZ Xu,Leo NSW149401494
30 LLL Stoltz,Pieter NSW146301463
31 SSS Parissis,John NSW145501455
32 PPP Teng,Huey NSW144401444
33 EEE Brown,Chris J NSW144201442
34 EEE Bullen,James NSW142101421
35 CCC Curtis,Darren NSW141901419
36 KKK Sharkawy,Sam NSW141301413
37 BBB Liu,Kevin NSW140901409
38 CCC Perez,Andres NSW140001400
39 PPP Mitchell,Ralph NSW139301393
40 LLL Paceskoski,Boris NSW138001380
41 EEE Shaw,Ralph NSW135001350
42 SSS Swinton,Peter J NSW132201322
43 KKK Vardakis,Emmanuel NSW130601306
44 HHH Hyde,Geoff NSW130201302
45 BBB Stathos,Dimitrios NSW129301293
46 ZZZ Scammell,Nihal NSW127501275
47 AAA Beydoun,Maan NSW125701257
48 AAA Hu,Aaron NSW125701257
49 CCC Manwarring,Stephen NSW111901119
50 BBB Currie,Ethan NSW104401044
51 CCC Mangini,Ryan NSW104301043
52 BBB Boan,Mark NSW8500850
53 SSS Lee,Zachary NSW8480848
54 ZZZ Liu,William NSW8440844
55 AAA Matson,John NSW8300830
56 HHH Slingo,Samuel NSW7480748
57 LLL Blake,Joel NSW000
58 PPP Gourlas,Dimitrios NSW000
59 AAA Nguyen,Vu Hung NSW000
60 AAA Salman,Andrew NSW000
61 EEE Scott,Marshall NSW000
62 LLL Soo,Anujin NSW000
63 KKK Wang,Isaac (Yijun) NSW000
Rating legend: Rtg: Rating used for pairing and standings - RtgF: Fide Rating - RtgN: National Rating