Pairing of round 4, at 19:30 of 09/04/2024

Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsNWResultNBPtsBlack PlayerFed
1NSW Plunkett,Jeremy 1.5 10 1 - 07 0.5 Huynh,ArthurNSW
2NSW Tang,Terrence 1.5 8 ½ - ½6 1.5 Falchoni,Mario J FNSW
3NSW Plant,John Stuart 2 9 1 - 05 2 Peykov,AndriyOS
4OS Khishigbaatar,Bayasgalan 2.5 1 1 - 04 0.5 Rewais,SarwatNSW
5VIC Jia,Jing Qu 0 2 0 - 13 1 CM Melamed,DanielNSW