2024-2025 St George Summer Open

Results of Round 1-7

Final Standiings

Final Crosstable

2024-2025 St. George Summer Open Prize Winners

This was a seven round FIDE-rated tournament, each player having 75 mins and with a 30s increment per move. There will be a two week break after Round 4, with no games on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. The tournament resumes on Tuesday January 7.

Note 1: Where less than 24 hours prior notice is provided to the Club Captain, Charles Zworestine, by the player not able to attend, that player will forfeit the game. This means you must inform Charles by text (0410 563 965) ‬or email (charlesz@ozemail.com.au) by 7.30pm on Monday night.

Note 2: Starting in round 2, we will be starting the clocks at 7.30pm. The introductory pre-game advice will be given at 7.25pm, and the clocks will be started as soon as it is finished. If a player has not arrived by 30 minutes after the clocks have been started, they will forfeit the game.